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Месть- это такое блюдо, которое лучше есть холодным.(Стивен Кинг)


National Clothes Glossary

    Ama - an adornment-shoulder-belt as strip of cloth with coins sewn in raws.
    Hushpu - women"s celebratory spherical head-dress with truncated cone on the crowm. It is trimed with silver coins and counters. A piece of cloth was sewed to it from behind, which came dowm along the back up to waist. Hushpu was fastened by small straps under the chin.
    Katanpir - home-made fabric of white color made of manufactered cotton threads by Virjal and Mid-anatri Chuvashs in XIX - early XX centuries. Also known as Pűs.
    Kĕpe - a shirt style dress, fleared by means of gussets, with frills by hem of skirt. It is adorned with applique and embroidery.
    Pűs - home-made fabric of white color made of manufactered cotton threads by Virjal and Mid-anatri Chuvashs in XIX - early XX centuries. Also known as Katanpir.
    Sappun - an apron.
    Sara - a waist-andornment ambroidered and fringed square piece of cloth. It was tied up in the waist, worn in pairs on each side.
    Surpan - a headtowel, ends of which were decorated with weaving, embroidery and lace.
    Şăpata - bast shoes, russian lapti.
    Şinçe pir - thin canvas made form hemp and flax, used for celebratory clothes
    Şuha - a neck-back adornment made from coins, glassbeads.
    Tăla - kind of cloth made from sheep wool.
    Tuhja - a celebratory head-dress for girls, a shperical soft cap with knob on the crown. It is trimed with coins and glassbeads and fastened under the chin.
    Ulacha -type of canvas weaved from colorful threads with cell or stripes patterns, used by Anatri Chuvashs in XIX century.
    Vătam pir - medium qaulity canvas made from hemp and flax used for working shirts and trousers.

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Last edited by: reflejo, 2005-12-23 23:38:54. Views 9487.

